Friday, 21 October 2011

Why so serious?

With college and other things bogging me down, I've had no time to thing of something to write, nevermind actually write it, but, I got a day off so I have time to clear my head. And the first thing that came to me, was competitiveness.

Yes thats right, Draigowing, VenomSpam, Leafblower/Mech Castle lists, you guys are in the firing line today.

In all fairness, yes, they are cool. Who doesn't love throwing shed tonnes of 2+ Force Weapon wielding douchebags at your enemies pitifully thought out list. Its amazing to see a Land Raider get tore into ribbons from 3 ugly little Space Elves with Blasters. And im sure its super-fun sitting behind an AV12, smoke-popping wall of ''come at me bro'', and shelling the high hell out of your opponent.  But I ask you, is it in the spirit of good sportsmanship.

When I started playing I just got the models I liked the look of, and thought the rules were pretty cool. But a friend introduced me to ''competitive'' list making and once you know how to do it, It decends upon you like a dark mist, sucking ALL the fun out of playing. Be that using the list, or playing against it.

If i'm honest, I've only seen one guy, with a brilliant list and all of the models are pretty well painted. The rest are just thrown together, sprayed and passed off as ''good enough''. In my opinion alot of what the hobby is supposed to be, is lost with these kinda lists. The game should be, ''who is the better player'' and not ''I can counter 99% of your list, checkmate, you lose''.

This kinda thing puts me off trying to get down to some of the bigger tournaments. Im loving my local tournaments. We get one or two WAAC lists but, the majority is just people who love the hobby, frequently make movie references, such as ''Ill be back'' and ''THIS IS SPARTA'' and enjoy playing with toy soldiers in the safety of a hall full other other people who love playing with them. To these people, I commend you. To those rock/paper/scissor players, if your enjoying playing, not winning, playing, then alls well. But if not guys, maybe you oughta re-think you warhammer life.

All the Best :)

Remember the days when Dreadnoughts without Twin Autocannons were cool?

(Not much of a blog post, more of an early morning rant but, meh, I feel I needed to put it out there)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this, I know this s 6th.ed now and that this was written in 5th.ed, but that's kinda why I am leaving me Helldrakes more and more behind, I like them for the idea of dragons breathing fire down everyone's throats, but in the way the disturb the game, its just seeing the same thing over and over again, hence why Im changing my lists however since I have left them behind and started experimenting with lists I have noticed that I am on a loosing streak, its like CSM cannot function anymore if you don't take Helldrakes Plague marines and Obliterator's, however I have noticed that my Orks have been getting a lot better results than my Helldrakeless CSM lists, so I am currently enjoying them atm in all honesty :)
