Sunday, 2 October 2011

Day 2 - Local Tournament

Well, my day 2 was great on the most part. 2 Kill points games with added objectives. My objective was to eliminate 50% of my opponents Infantry models. His, as it turn out, was to eliminate 50% of my Armour.

First Game -
Ive played this guy before, he's awesome. Grey Knights, no specific list build. Land Raider, Draigo, 10 Terminators including Justicar Thawn.

Second Game -
Imperial Guard. More or less a Leaf-blower.  This guy has won the past three or four tournaments, and he knew my list. I play him on weekends to get a better grasp of competitive play. So, I knew it was a loss from the start.

Heres a run-down of my first game.

Opponents list as I recall. I'm not great with GK unit names so.

Grey Knights -
Kaldor Draigo
10 Terminators with Force Weapon Shenanigans, one guy is Justicar Thawn, Brotherhood Banner, Psycannon, Incinerator.
Land Raider with a 10man Purifier Squad inside.
10 Man Interceptor Squad
5 Man, what im assuming is a Strike Squad
Dreadknight with Hammer, Heavy Incinerator and Heavy Psycannon.

Deployment - I got first turn

Again, urban ruins, different table from my first game.
Big Ruin in the centre, causing all kinds of cover saves.
Ruined area in each corner - area terrain.

I deploy a unit of Long Fangs, Blood Claws and my Grey Hunter without Njal in the ruins on the right. Supported by my Lascannon Dreadnought and Razorback.

On the left, I deploy my Long Fangs in the ruin, Predator behind some pipes, jutting off of the building. Grey Hunters WITH Njal next to them.

Opponents Deployment -
Dreadknights gets made into a Scout unit, so, he outflanks it.
Deploys his Interceptors in the ruined area terrain on my right. Land Raider and Terminators deployed to their right. So basically, I got denied a flank. Not happy at this point. (Well, I was very happy, but still)

He fails to steal, so, I start the game.

My Turn 1 -
My Drop Pod slams down in front of the Interceptors in the ruins.
My Grey Hunters on the right, leave the terrain and start moving left toward Njal and Friends. Blood Claws leave terrain and start making towards the ruin in the centre. Njal and Friends shuffle towards my Predator, to hide and get some cover.
First shot of the shooting phase ... Predator Lascannon .... hits ... penetrates ... fails cover ... wrecks ....
At this point I have this huge, horrid, cheesy smile on my face that I just cant shift.
The Purifiers that come out, get split fired by Plasma Cannons and lose 7 of them.
My VenDread sends a Plasma Cannon shot into the Interceptors killing only 1.
Njal launches a Living Lightning into the Interceptors and they take 3 wounds, and make 3 saves.
Long Fangs on the right fire Lascannons into the Interceptors, they make a single cover save, and I end my turn.

Opponents Turn 1 -
Basically, Terminators slither up the left side, to avoid my Plasma Cannons. Purifiers move away from their former transport towards my VenDread and Drop Pod.
They fire some Incinerators into the Drop Pod, with no effect. Interceptors fire some Psycannon shots into my Dread, immobilising and stopping him from shooting next turn.

My Turn 2 -
Blood Claws move toward the centre ruin. Grey Hunters towards Njal and Friends. Right-Hand Long Fangs move towards the centre ruin, but only get a 2 for Difficult Terrain. Predator reverses out of area terrain and immobilises.
Terminators take some Plasma and Lascannon shots from my Long Fangs and 3 hit the deck, one being Thawn, and I lose a Long Fang, as his Plasma Cannon blows up and engulfs him in glowing death. Not much in turn 2.

Opponents Turn 2 -
More sly Terminator movement up the side of the board. Thawn comes back to life. Dreadknight comes on via outflank behind my LasDread and Razorback. I later find out my opponents objective was to kill 50% of my Armour.
More Incinerator fire into my Pod, no effect. More Psycannon shots into my Dread, stopping him from shooting next turn. Dreadknight fires into my Razorback with its Heavy Incinerator and and Heavy Psycannon, stunning it, and managing to hit my Dread with the Incinerator, but failing to cause a glancing hit. He then assaults my Razorback, my gut drops, its fails to do anything spectacular, my gut rises, in the end it is immobilised.

My Turn - 3
Blood Claws move towards the ruin in the middle. Grey Hunters towards Njal. On the right, my Dreadnought fires into the Dreadknight. Causing a wound. Then my Long Fangs drop 2 Plasma Cannons, 2 Lascannons and a Krak Missile into him, finishing him off. On the left, My Long Fangs fire into the 3man Purifier Squad , leaving them with one man, they fail their test, and run away.
Njal casts Jaws of the World Wolf and sucks Thawn into the planet.

Opponents Turn - 3
More Terminator snaking round out of sight of my Long Fangs. Deep Strikes a 5 Man Strike Squad into a ruin near my Razorback. Guy with the Hammer dies on landing. The single Purifier rallies, and runs in the cover by the Interceptors. Strike Squad fires into my Razorback with a Psycannon, but, it passes its cover saves and remains, relatively unscathed.. And Thawn comes back to life.

My Turn - 4
Wolf Scouts come in on the left, up near the single Purifier.
Grey Hunters meet up with Njal. Blood Claws hit the centre of the field. Njal uses Jaws of the World Wolf, and takes out a Psycannon Terminator. Left-hand Long Fangs and Predator fire into the Interceptors, killing 2. Wolf Scouts unload their Bolter clips into the Lone Purifier, killing him. My Long Fangs, Dreadnought and Razorback on the right flank, fire into the Interceptors, killing 2 more.

Opponents Turn - 4
Terminators spring out of cover and dash towards my Predator. I let out a friendly comment saying ''If you do THAT, I'm gonna fire 8 Plasma Gun Shots and 2 Plasma Cannon shots into them guys''. He fires into my Dread, stopping it from shooting next turn ... on 4 dice results ...

My Turn - 5
Njal and Friends fall back, and the other Grey Hunter Squad takes their place. Wolf Scouts move up and Rapid Fire into the Interceptors, killing two more. Morale Test, they pass. Grey Hunters fire 4 Plasma Shots into them, killing another Terminator. Long Fangs fire into them, killing another 2 with Plasma fire also, all the  Lascannon shots were saved by cover. Njal goes to cast JoTWW at Kaldor Draigo BUT, fails on an 11.

Opponents Turn - 5

At this point, my opponent realises, he's lost, so he goes for my armour to try and get his secret objective.
So, his Terminators make a mad dash towards my Drop Pod. His Interceptors fire into my VenDread, hoping to get a wreck, but, with it being a Venerable, I make him re-roll all the fatal results, in the end, he has no guns, and cant move. He then assaults the Drop Pod, blowing it up, and losing Justicar Thawn.

We roll for turn 6, i roll a 2, game ends, we shake and comment on how it was a fairly one sided game, but, I've played this guy a few times, and he HATES playing Space Wolves.

I win 6 - 1

We both get our secret objectives, I get 2 points for mine, he gets one. My Objective was to slay 50% or more of my opponents infantry, which I did, with utmost ease.

I only ended up coming 8th or something, which is weird, with a 3 - 0 - 2 record ... but, I guess everybody was going hell for leather trying to get their secret objectives. All in All, had a great weekend, next one is in February, and I cant wait.


  1. If you see any mistakes let me know, I was half awake when writing this up xD

  2. I think your being too negative on your second game, The terrain was against you – open centre and only 3 small clumps of terrain only 12 inches in on each side. First two turns of your shooting had me on the ropes. I think you would have won if the second Colossus shot had missed your Long fangs and the next turn missed the squad that was closing on my line. You played well I couldn't get close with the demo's and you shot down all the Vendettas even with cover saves.

    Keep up the good work with the blog, might see you Saturday

  3. I know, i'm reading through what i've wrote about it and im thinking, ''thats a bit harsh'', but your a brilloiant player Hesh :)

    Might do yeah, all the best
