Friday, 30 September 2011

Local 40k Tournament - Howling Horde

Todays Friday the 30th, the tournament is tomorrow and I am hyped. 1750pts day 1, 2000pts day 2.

The Howling Horde shall taste the blood of heretics and mutants alike.

My list is something along the lines of -

Njal Stormcaller - in Terminator Armour (at the time of writing and handing in my list I didnt have the non-Terminator model, so ... )

2 10-Man Grey Hunter Squads - both with 2 Plasma Guns, both with MotW, one with Power Sword, one with Power Fist

10-Man Blood Claw unit with Flamer, Plasma Pistol and Power Fist

5 Man Wolf Scout Unit w/Melta Bombs and in my 2000pts list, they have a flamer.

Dreadnought w/Twin Linked Lascannon, extra armour

Long Fangs w/3 Plasma Cannons and 2 Lascannons

Long Fangs w/2 Plasma Cannons, 2 Lascannons and a Missile Launcher

Predator - Twin Linked Lascannon, extra armour

Razorback - Twin Linked Lascannon, extra armour

Then in my 2000pts, Im adding a Venerable Dreadnought w/ Wolftooth Necklace, Plasma Cannon, Heavy Flamer and Extra Armour. And its ride of choice is going to be a Drop Pod w/ no upgrades.

Njal is there because I plan on running him behind enemy lines by the late game, and unleashing some of his scary ''Lord of the Tempest'' effects.

2 Units of Grey Hunters just simply because they rock, hard!

The Blood Claws, most Space Wolf Players will look at them and think ... why? Well basically, in my last Tournament, they went head to head with a unit of Paladins and Draigo and they won. So, their going in if not only for nostalgia.

Wolf Scouts and Meltabombs are self-explanatory, get them in, roll a 3-6, bring them in behind stationary vehicles such as Basilisks and Hammerhead, and blow the damn things up!?

Most of my list from then on is basically me, spamming as much Lascannon as I could. No specific tactical decisions in there, just, most people will be playing a fair bit of mech (or MCs such as Dreadknights and Fexs) and S9 really puts a dampener on their day.

Then I hit my Venerable Dreadnought, I love this guy. Got a 30 Man IG Blob in some ruins? His Heavy Flamer and Plasma Cannon should see to that nicely. He's also pretty hard to shift with him being Venerable and having Extra Armour, he's gonna keep dropping Plasma or Flamer templates onto you till you blow his rusted hide apart!

Im gonna try and get some BatReps written up but, my head wont be in remembering the games, it'll be in winning :)

Thanks Everyone :)

Friday, 23 September 2011

Get in the car! Its a Termagant!

Right well, for my 500pts for Tale of Some Gamers, i'm going to grab hold of some more Termagants :)

So, my 500pts will look something like:

Parasite of Mortrex
14 Termagants
14 Termagants

It only takes me to 440pts so I could cram in some Rippers, just for fun but .... i need all my rippers for the Parasite so ...

I still haven't thought of a good paint scheme. I'm leaning toward a sort of .... Lambent Locust style army, a sort of, dingy orange carapace and a light brown fleshy parts ... don't know as of yet.

Also, the local tournament is just over a week away and I am so excited, me and the Howling Horde are going to shed the blood of heretics and xenos alike, in the name of the All-father!

(Or, in English, I hope I win :3 )

Oh! Also, ill be trying to write up some BatReps from the weekend so fingers-crossed I get some good games in :)

Right, well, my army is now almost totally finished, I've only got 5 more Grey Hunters to be painted. (I had plans to finish them off but, gaming got in the way).

I'll put some pictures of my finished army up as soon as possible :)

Monday, 19 September 2011

Tale of ... Some Gamers

Me and a few friends, all of whom attend the local gaming store decided to put on a Tale Of Four Games style event, just for us.

No prizes, all just fun.

So, for month 1, then plan is, to pick an army, and build and paint up 500pts worth of models, then play a game .. simples.

1 point for having all the below done by a deadline.
1 point for a fully painted army.
1 point for winning.

1 HQ, 2 Troops :) nothing more, nothing less.

Thats month 1 :)